5 reasons why Irina Shayk and Kanye West – ideal couple

The union could become one of the most discussed.
After Kanye West and Kim Kardashian’s divorce many began to float rumors that treason of the rapper with the beauty-blogger Jeffree Star led to such final of marriage. Then confidants to stars disproved scandalous news, but this time the close representative of the musician told about a secret relationship of the rapper.

One of informants reported to the fan account of a star on Instagram that the ex-husband of Kim Kardashian and the model Irina Shayk secretly meet. Other source told that it does not consider correct to use a word relationship as so far between stars there is only a sympathy. By the way, the official comment did not arrive yet, but arguments in favor of the novel are so strong that we found 5 reasons why Shayk and West could become ideal couple.
- Experience of a serious relationship. Both Kanye, and Shayk it is safely possible to call family people. Though the Russian beauty was also not officially married, but all novels of a star had quite long character. The supermodel met the football player Cristiano Ronaldo for five years. With the actor Bradley Cooper it is slightly less – four years during which their daughter Lea was born.
- Children. From the previous point also one more reason smoothly follows that connects this couple. Love of children! Besides to star successors it will be certain what to talk about, all of them about one age.
- Fashion. By the way, parents have many subjects for a conversation too. To take at least the fashion-industry where Kanye already managed to prove as the designer, and Irina – as a world star of a podium. We and see how in the cold winter evenings the couple discusses an exit of the next Wests collection for which Shayk could become a muse.
- Way of life. After parting with Kim the rapper considerably recovered and now his weight is nearly 140 kg. It turned out that Kardashian carefully watched food of the spouse who has a ball. According to relatives of a star, now for time of West eats seven sausages pies, 12 slices of bacon, four potato fritters and a shot glass of pancakes. Shayk can correct a situation, on diets and the correct diet.
- Privacy. Complaining of the former spouse to friends, Kanye somehow noted Kardashian’s love for publicity. Like, because of her desire to be the focus of attention the matrimonial life cracked. With Irina the rapper should not worry about it. Judging by Irinas Instagram, the beauty is not fixated on the social networks and secular parties at all. Instead the supermodel prefers to spend all free time with the daughter with whom on her walk regularly and catch paparazzi.
By the way, Kanye West and Irina Shayk’s acquaintance happened in 2010. Then the rapper invited the ex-girlfriend of the actor Bradley Cooper to shooting of the clip on the Power song. Later, in 2012, the model participated in fashionable display which West arranged. And just a month ago Irina Shayk appeared in the rapper’s sweatshirt from a new collection with Balenciaga fashion house at all.
Let’s add, Kanye West was married to Kim Kardashian’s star of nearly 7 years. Their marriage ended in February, 2021. During together star there were parents 4 times. The former beloved has two daughters, North and Chicago and also two sons – Saint and the Psalm.