Failure in bed: how to react to his failures

Sexual failures are equated by men to a problem of universal scale. Only the loving and tactful partner will help to cope with such trouble.
Any man has misfires in sex. At least once in life, but it happens. Some treat it calmly, understand that they are people, but not robots. Others writhe in hysterics and charge-off from themselves, are depressed. How to react not to aggravate a situation? For advice we addressed the sexologist.
Easing of potency is most often caused by a physical or emotional over strain, also alcohol negatively works. In this case sexual dysfunction is quite possible. If at the same time the woman reproaches the man or laughs at him, it testifies only to one – insufficient intelligence of the partner.
The role of the woman in prevention of sexual frustration is really huge. Even in cases of long sexual frustration at the man the woman should not show and furthermore to express discontent. A mental condition of the man in similar cases both so rather heavy and suppressed. Reproaches and claims only deepen violation, will wound mentality. How the woman for the first time will react on failure, very often defines how long the problem will remain a problem.

How to behave as a women when the man failed
- First of all, do not take the incident personally. If the partner has no erection, then it is not sign of cooling to you or the fact that you lost sexual appeal.
- Do not focus the attention on this problem. Continue to caress the partner or tell him about the sexual fantasy.
- Make to it the weakening massage.
- Suggest to descend in a shower together. Water stimulates blood circulation, and the man will shortly feel Let it know that he is all the same the most wonderful lover.
- What to do that further in a bed at it all cost
- You praise the partner more often, you pay compliments and admire with each other, make a declaration of love.
- Do not hesitate to discuss the sexual fantasies with the partner. You say that you would like to try.
- You bring sex to the art level: experiment, dream, look for, try.
Make sex a game, but not a duty on purpose. Receive an orgasm as a result of mutual masturbation, oral sex and other the practician. Prove that the erect penis is necessary not always. Systematically show tactile tenderness to each other without the subsequent sexual intercourse. Show an initiative, restore erotic associations, you pine for expectation, cause an aura of a forbidden fruit.
Thus, it is possible to overcome sexual violations often due to increase in level of sexual literacy, understanding of psychological features of the partner, at the expense of desire, prevailing over. But, of course, certain cases of sexual frustration cannot be solved without specialist doctor.