Sex in the morning, in the afternoon or in the evening?

We find out why our biorhythms affect quality of intimate life.
Often at women’s forums it is possible to meet subjects from the category of men in the mornings wants, and I do not. It is necessary to lie and suffer. Really, often the discrepancy of sexual activities can result in disharmony in intimate relations couples. Many girls, having woken up, have simply complex concerning not freshness of breath and other parts of a body and therefore seek to get for a start to the bathroom, and already then fully equipped to appear before the partner. It is good if after all rituals you are not late for work yet and you manage to enjoy with each other. And here is how to be if you already get up at 6 in the morning? Even the fastest sex together with a repeated shower will take away at least a half an hour for two.

By the way, many girls do not love sex in the mornings also because, having wakened, they need to resolve some physiological questions but to talk about it to the guy awkwardly. Here also leaves that pleasure is derived only by him. And no wonder, in the morning concentration of testosterone at men just reads off scale, exceeding average daily norm by one and a half times. And here women’s hormones doze almost in the forenoon.
Yes, in the mornings men have an excellent erection which a sin not to use. However, they quite often refuse morning sex. Many guys in early time are concentrated on planning of day: the logistics of movements, the annual report not to forget about a gift to the mother-in-law and to pay for municipal … To bring darling to an orgasm with the head stuffed with plans extremely difficult!
But there are also opposite opinions. An example from the same forums:
Man demands sex late evening when I am not able any more neither to give, nor to derive pleasure. How to explain that I want it, but at this time it is best to sleep, and to postpone sex to morning? It is interesting that by the evening the level of sex hormones is reduced both at men, and at women. But men are capable to be restored already in a couple of hours after work, and the woman will find sexuality not earlier than 10 pm again.
Listen to sexologists who consider that the most convenient and productive time for occupations sex is, strangely enough, a day! That is from 11:00 am till 5:00 pm, when we at work. So, dear lovers, invite each other to a lunch more often, and let day sex will be a peculiar dessert.
But also, it is, certainly, not a panacea, the libido is influenced by the mass of factors. And first of all, emotional and physical components. If the person suffers from a chronic sleep debt or was reprimanded by the chief, then hardly at this time he will show impetuous thirst for sex.
Sex – sensual business

Even if the partner correctly carries out everything, it does not make him by the good lover yet. Sex according to the instruction is a physical education. In good sex there is always a lot of spontaneity and playfulness, naturalness. And by and large, when breaks a tower from the partner, then any conventions are not important at all. It is impossible to learn three crown poses and to practice them exactly at 5:30 in the morning, and then to wait from this unearthly pleasure. All too correct – from the head, and rationality to sex a hindrance. Sex is emotional streams, but not reason.
The external environment, age, constitutional features, social conditions are important for harmony, of course. Desire depends and from biorhythms – it will be difficult to lark and owl to get on in all respects, not only in sex. Juicy detail: in PMS some women lose a libido at all. At other libidos. on the contrary, rises: together with hormone testosterone by the end of a cycle. Well and about age: men are more often hyper sexual, up to 25 years, after calm down, and here ladies, on the contrary, work up appetite to 35 years more often: thanks to the same testosterone.
– Everything depends on temperament and a libido – sexologists claim – Some want and can twice a day, another once a week suffices. However, many during life do not open the sexual constitution because of the built-in blocks. Look for and reveal yourself, derive pleasure in sex, then you will understand that different biorhythms in a bed can be overcome easily, but not just to adapt to the elect and against the nature to grant his desires.