At last there was an answer to this question concerning all.
During puberty at girls womanly forms are shown. To learn about how many years the female breast grows, it is necessary to study the factors influencing its development. What influences its formation and to what age grows, we will answer these questions.

About how many years the breast at girls grows: what influences process?
Hormonal reorganization of an organism of the girl begins with the pubertal period. Mammary glands increase in sizes due to cell fission and growth of fatty tissue. Glands more than for 80% consist of fatty tissue. There are several factors influencing a breast size and process of its growth:
- Heredity. Probability that mother and the daughter will have similar features of formation of a bust is high;
- Build. Often girls of a dense constitution possess an impressive breast size. Their more fragile contemporaries have a volume of fatty tissue less, respectively, and the breast is not too big;
- Hormonal background. As the beginning of growth of mammary glands serves hormonal reorganization of an organism. It happens due to production of hormone of estrogen. It has considerable impact on a breast size. The peak of growth of a breast falls on the first 2−3 years after emergence of the first periods in the girl;
- Features of physical development. It is considered that the stoop can slow down process of growth of a breast. For normal development it is necessary to support back muscles in a tone;
- Diet. The balanced food helps an organism to develop correctly in the pubertal period, well influences an endocrine system which is responsible for formation and growth of mammary glands.
Among other influencing factors it is possible to note the area of residence and ecology of this area, professional works by sport, absence or presence of frequent stresses, operations, injuries.
Till how many years the breast grows: pathologies
If in 15−16 years at the girl mammary glands do not increase, there are no periods, then it is an occasion to ask for the help the expert. In particular, to the endocrinologist and gynecologist. Such situation can be caused by insufficient amount of estrogen at the girl.
Congenital malformations, injuries of mammary glands, inflammatory processes in boobies, various diseases can be other reasons why the breast does not develop. All these cases demand constant control of the doctor.
Development of each girl is individual therefore it is possible to determine the term of growth of a breast only approximately. For this purpose, it is necessary to add 3 years to date of the first monthly at the girl. For this term the breast is considered almost created. If there are pathologies, it is necessary to see a doctor urgently and in the mean time see how breasts develop naturally.
– In the beauty-industry exists many means which promise to increase a breast size: you smear a bust with cream, and it increases. Actually, their efficiency is not proved, but such creams and serums possess lifting effect, tighten and strengthen skin and also provide anti-age effect.
The most successful means for increase in growth is plastic surgery. However before going to a meeting with the surgeon, it is necessary to consider everything pros and cons.
– Usually puberty at girls begins in 7 – 9 years, but at this moment there are no changes with a breast yet. They begin at the age of 10 – 11 years. At this moment the child can be frightened of hormonal changes in the organism therefore it is very important to explain to the daughter that her organism reconstructs. Mammary glands can develop in this period not symmetrically, in it there is nothing terrible as the breast still can change within 4 – 5 years while there is this reorganization. On average the breast stops growing in 17 – 18 years, but at all it is individual process. During this period, it is important to watch health of the girl, her changes and features that in the presence of the slightest indispositions to address the expert.